This single shot pistol fires an explosive round which will destroy any bulletproof defender gadgets.
Talking of equipment, Crimson Heist introduces a brand new attacker sidearm: the Gonne-6. For secondary gadgets, he can choose from stun grenades or a claymore. On equipment, Flores can use either the AR33 or the SR-25 rifles, and has the GSH-18 pistol. It can even jump, meaning you can bypass bulletproof shields and reach higher-placed gadgets. The explosion will not breach reinforced walls, but it will destroy any defender gadget and kill operators, so it’s an effective clear-up tool. During travel time, the RCE is vulnerable to jammers, electricity, and enemy fire, but when the fuse triggers - either after the timer runs down or when manually started - the device becomes bulletproof and anchors in place for a few seconds before detonation. They also have a 10 second timer, so must be driven to the target quickly before it explodes. When deployed they continually accelerate and cannot be slowed or stopped. Flores is equipped with four RCE-RATERO charges, and while they work similar to a recon drone, there are some differences. His gadget is the RCE-RATERO, a remote control drone with a bomb strapped to it.
Headlining the season is new operator Flores a medium speed and armour attacker from Argentina. The year starts with Operation Crimson Heist, the first season of Year 6.