Hopefully, the talented comedic host can keep himself out of harms way, as he continues towards surpassing his predecessor's record mark. Several sources say that he has been showing off pics on his iPhone. He was injured, and the arm was also lacerated. However, he hasn't been able to avoid injury since then, as in 2017 The Huffington Post reported that Carey had to cancel tapings due to a separated clavicle he suffered while on a exercise run. During a Price is Right rehearsal, Drew got his arm stuck in a spinning floor. But, regardless, he has pushed forward, now approaching his 2500th episode as host.
It's quite possible that The Grocery Game, in which contestants have five grocery items to choose from to combine a total value that lands between $20 and $22, may now be Carey's least favorite competition to run. 'I couldn't stretch my arm out, it hurt so much,' he recalled.
However, Carey explains there was nothing easy about pushing forward. Carey got his arm caught in a rotating apparatus while leading a contestant through playing one of Price’s longest-running competitions, the Grocery Game. 'That was the day before the first actual taping,' he told the Oklahoman. 'You should've seen everyone's faces.' The shocking accident resulted in a diagnosis of bruised nerves, which fortunately did not keep him from taping the first episode. As Carey lead a contestant through the steps of playing The Grocery Game, he managed to get his arm caught in a giant turntable.